GT2 Pulley 16 Teeth Bore 5MM Timing Gear Alumium For GT2 Belt Width 13MM 3D Printer Accessories


Features of 3d Printer Heated bed:

  1. Color: Red
  2. Etching: 35um copper
  3. Dimensions 214 x 214mm
  4. Laminate FR4 1.6+-0.15mm
  5. 2 layer, 35μm copper
  6. Red Solder Mask – both sides
  7. White Silkscreen – both sides
  8. Power Input: 12V or 24v
  9. Copper plated holes
  10. Resistance between 1.0 and 1.2 ohm


3D Printer heatbed is for RepRap MK2B. Double Power Supply is a Warmed Bed intended for Reprap Prusa and Mendel 3D Printers. It very well may be utilized with other 3D Printers as well. MK2B is the most recent variant of the intensity bed and highlights LEDs and 12/24V Double power supply choices. This heatbed is scratched straightforwardly on 35µm copper clad and highlights uniform in any event, warming and high intensity yield.


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